15 Things Sex Therapists Really Want You To Know
1. Sex therapy isn’t for learning new positions or hot sex tips.
“Some people think sex therapy involves getting naked, having sex, being touched,” says Kerner. “But certainly it’s talk therapy.” A sex therapist is different from a sex coach, sex educator, or sex surrogate. For starters, they won’t be touching you, and they probably won’t tell you how to give a better blow job.
It’s actually a type of psychotherapy that can treat sexual and relationship issues from a biopsychosocial perspective. It’s usually problem-focused, where a therapist considers all the factors that might be at play in a situation. “Sex therapy is understanding what the root of the problem is,” says Fleming.
2. Single people can go to sex therapy, too.
Really, it’s not that weird. Engler has seen patients who want to address patterns in their sex lives — like feeling numb during hookups, losing interest after they …